Procurement Forms
Form Name
Form Number
Authorized Dealer Certification | FRM-U525.A.1-2 | To certify that a specific supplier is an authorized agent to repair or provide repair parts on behalf of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Form is to be completed by the manufacturer. |
Bid/Quote Tabulation For Public Works | FRM-U38.B | To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to a solicitation for public works contracts conducted by Facility Services. |
Procurement Noncompliance | FRM-U307.C.01 | To request approval of a purchase made without following the Procurement Code, policies or procedures. |
Promotional and Logo Items with University Funds | PUR522 | To request approval to purchase promotional items, trophies, plaques and or awards. This form is to be used regardless of if the university's name, trademarks and/or logos is used. |
Proposed Suppliers | N/A |
To provide a list of suppliers to include in a solicitation process. |
Public Works Threshold Guide | FRM-U38.A | To provide summary of public works purchasing thresholds and applicable law requirements. |
Quotation Tabulation | FRM-U501.A.03.B | To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to an informal solicitation (RFR or RFQ) conducted by the department. |
Request for Fax Quotation (RFQ) | FRM-U501.A.03.A | To obtain quotes from suppliers for purchases not available through a master contract whose total cost exceeds the competitive threshold but is less than $25,000. (See PRO-U501.A.03). |
Request for Response (RFR) | FRM-U501.B.02 | To obtain quotes from state contract suppliers when making a purchase with a total cost $50,000 or greater of goods or services from a State of Louisiana - Louisiana Pricing Schedule (LaPS) Contract. (See PRO-U501.B.02). Click here for instructions if conducted by the department. |
Sole Source Justification | FRM-U501.B.01 | To request approval to purchase an item with a total cost exceeding the competitive threshold directly from a specific supplier and not undergo the competitive solicitation process. This is a one-time approval which must meet specific requirements (See PRO-U501.B.01). |
Term Contracts Renewal | PUR105 | To request establishing or rebidding a term contract for goods or services that will exceed the competitive threshold within a 12-month period (See Term Contract Instructions). |
Used Equipment Justification | FRM-U525.A.25 | To request to purchase equipment that is no longer 'new' in state. This is a one-time approval which must meet specific requirements (See PRO-U525.A.25). |
Professional, Specialty & Consulting Services Forms
Form Name
Form Number
Contractor Information (PUR-CR) |
FRM-U505.C&D.01 |
To gather information about the supplier such as their relationship to LSU and its employees as well as outline specific payment terms. Required for all PSC requisitions not subject to competition. |
Scope of Services (PUR-SS) |
FRM-U505.C&D.02 |
To gather details on the services being provided by the supplier as well as specific deliverables, goals and objectives. |
Subaward Processing Checklist | N/A | Outlines the process for establishing Subawards. |
Supplier Forms
Form Name
Indemnification Agreement and Insurance Verification Form | To declare allocation of risk between the parties to a contract. Supplier agrees to accept financial responsibility for it's actions and defend the university in legal claims should they arise as a result of a their actions. For more information, contact the Office of Risk Management. |
W-8BEN: Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for US Tax Withholding and Reporting for Individuals | For Foreign Individuals Only. To establish an individual as a foreign person doing business with LSU. W-8 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. |
W-8BEN-E: Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for US Tax Withholding and Reporting for Entities | For Foreign Entities Only. To establish an entity as a foreign company doing business with LSU. W-8 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. |
W-9: Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification | For Domestic Individuals/Suppliers Only. To establish an individual or company doing business with LSU. W-9 information must match information submitted in the supplier application. Also, required if changing the name or TIN. |
Rev. 3/6/2025